Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my project?

You will receive your project within few minutes of purchase in your email. Please check your junk or spam inbox if you don’t see it.

What will I get from my purchase?

You’ll receive a PDF with the following:

  1. Project Assembly Instructions
  2. Printing instructions
  3. Project 3D template on paper ready to be printed

What tools are needed to build these projects?

  • Printer or visit your local printing shop
  • Card Stock paper (100-200g) or (60-110lb) Letter size: Exact number of pages is listed in the item’s description
  • Scissors
  • Craft Knife to score the paper
  • Glue

Do you offer refund/return?

Due to the nature of the digital item, we do not accept refunds or returns.

I don’t have a printer or the required paper. What should I do?

Visit your local printing store with a your 3D model template in a USB drive or in your email. Provide them with the printing instructions and they will get it ready for you.

Can I resell the 3D template?

No re-selling, re-creating, or re-distributing is permitted for any Paper Project 3D templates.